Have you been seeing orange XML and RSS buttons or "Add to MyYahoo" buttons more and more these days, but don't know what they are.
RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication." What it really means for you is that it gives you an easy way to be notified of all the latest updates to the Woman's Divorce Website. Whenever a new article is added to the website or we've updated an old page, a notification is sent out through the RSS feed.
And as a result...
You can get current divorce information without needing to spend hours searching on the internet. Your RSS feed notifies you when the new content has been added. You will see a headline and brief description of the new content that has been added, along with a link to the content.
If you want to start receiving these updates, it's easy to get started! You can use special software to keep up to date with what's going on. To do this, you will need to get a free download of an RSS Reader, or use an online news reader. These applications track all the feeds that you are subscribed to, monitoring the sites for the latest updates.
Once you have an RSS reader, this is how you subscribe to the feed...
Right-click (or control-click for Mac users) on the orange XML / RSS button on the orange button below. Then...
Select Copy Shortcut (for Mac's choose "Copy Link to Clipboard"), and paste the URL into your RSS Reader.
You can also simply click on one of the two bottom buttons below to subscribe to the RSS feed with either Feedly or MyYahoo!
And that is all it takes to subscribe! All you need to do next is to visit your feed reader to check for updates from all of the websites you have subscribed to.