If you're considering a divorce or separation, or currently going through the process, you need to know what to expect each step of the way. Few of us ever anticipate this stage in our lives, and therefore don't know what options are available to us. Below you will find information about various legal aspects that you may be facing at this point in your life.
Martial Separation - Things to think about when you split up.
How To Get Divorced - How it works and what to consider.
Financial Issues - Dividing assets and debts.
Legal Professionals - Working with lawyers, mediators, and financial experts.
Do It Yourself - Information, state laws, and resources to help you out.
Midlife Divorce and Beyond - Articles to help those facing late life divorce and post-divorce issues.
Military Issues - Considerations and issues in military marriages.
Minor Children - Deciding custody, support, and visitation.
Separation and Moving Out - What to consider before splitting up
Understanding Legal Separation - The advantages of a legal separation and how it can protect you when splitting up.
Separation FAQS - Tips and answers to common questions from the legal expert
How To File For A Legal Separation - Find out which states allow a legal separation and how you should proceed.
Understanding Legal Separation vs. Divorce - Both legally establish certain rights when you are no longer together as couple. Find out how they differ and the advantages of a legal separation
More Articles about Separation...
Thinking About Splitting Up? - Why it's important to create an exit plan.
Preparing For A Divorce - What you need to do before you start the legal process.
Divorce Considerations - Here are 7 essential financial aspects to consider if you're planning on splitting up.
Financially Prepare Yourself - How budgeting can help.
Five Mistakes to Avoid When Splitting Up and how to improve your chances of success.
Facebook and Divorce - Social media (and the temptations and drama that come with it) can have a big impact not only on your marriage, but your divorce as well.
Digital Divorce: Uncoupling Your Tech Connection – Find out the best way to handle social media accounts, as well has changing your login information to protect your privacy during divorce.
Technology and Divorce – What you need to know about protecting yourself regarding cell phone data and texts, electronic records and your children’s online accounts.
Understanding the Legal Process outlines what to expect in the legal process, including the common filings, discovery, court hearings, and more.
The Steps of Divorce - Frequently asked questions about how the process works.
Fault and No-fault Grounds - The difference between legally recognized fault and no-fault grounds and the most commonly asked questions about declaring fault grounds.
Filing Divorce Papers - Getting the legal process started of ending a marriage.
Why Divorce Takes So Long - Understanding what you can and can't control.
Signing the Final Agreement - Find out what to consider before signing your divorce papers, how to proceed if your spouse won't sign, and more.
More articles on the legal process...
Settlement Issues - Seven costly mistakes to avoid.
The Marital Home - Find out who gets the house, how to handle the mortgage, how the equity should be split, and issues with refinancing.
Property Issues - Frequently Asked Questions.
Dividing Retirement Assets - Issues to take into consideration when splitting retirement accounts.
Unsecured Debt Responsibility - How it's handled.
Cryptocurrency in Divorce Cases - Dividing digital currency can make asset division more difficult. Here is what you need to know.
How to Find an Attorney in your area.
How to save on the Legal Costs - tips to cut attorney and legal fees.
Minimizing The Cost of Splitting Up - Alternatives to make it cheaper.
How to Choose a Family Lawyer that meshes with your personality and meets your needs.
Family Law Attorneys and Lawyers - Questions to ask during your initial meeting.
Lawyer Consultation Questions to help you find the best lawyer for your case.
Working With Your Lawyer - How to handle the client lawyer relationship.
Is Your Attorney Meeting Your Expectations - Find out how to determine whether you've picked the right lawyer for your case.
7 Things to Know about Collaborative Family Law - If you want to get everything done in a timely manner while still making sure things go in your favor, the collaborative approach to dissolving your marriage is worth considering.
How Collaborative Divorce Works - If you're looking for a more cooperative approach to divorce, this overview can help you understand the collaborative divorce process.
Using a Financial Planner - How a financial expert can help you understand your options and get the best settlement for your unique situation.
Divorce Financial Analysts are specifically trained to help people sort out the financial issues involved when a marriage ends. Find out how one can help you.
Divorce Mediation - Learn how mediation can be used to avoid a legal battle, what to expect from the process, and how it can save you money.
Using Mediation - Learn what is needed to make the process work.
Child Custody Mediation - A means of reaching common ground.
Choosing a Private Investigator - Tips for finding a qualified investigator.
Using a Forensic Accountant to help reveal essential information for your settlement agreement.
The Role of Forensic Accountants in Divorce - Forensic accountants are often hired during a divorce to track down assets and hidden bank accounts, value business interests, and review complex financial issues.
State Resources for each state including relevant laws, resources, child support guidelines and calculators, domestic violence shelters, and more.
Downloadable Forms - quick and easy access to quality forms, settlement agreements and other related products.
Do You Need An Attorney - Find out if it's appropriate to do the legal paperwork yourself.
Do It Yourself - Tips to consider when handling your own paperwork.
Common Pitfalls of DIY Divorce - Even though doing your own divorce might seem like a cost-effective option, it's essential to be aware of the potential challenges that can come up.
Paperwork and Documents - What documents you'll need to get the process started and what should be addressed in your final agreement.
Law Resources for Pro Se Litigants - Finding relevant info and legal resources can be frustrating when trying to do your own paperwork and filing it with the court. Learn how to access the forms and tools you need.
Preparing Yourself to Testify in Court - If you have never testified in court before and don't know what to expect, these practical tips can help you prepare for the process.
Online Options for couples who can reach a general agreement and want to handle everything personally.
Divorce During the Pandemic – There was really no way to prepare for how Covid-19 would disrupt our lives, especially if you were considering divorce. But there are still things you can do while the courts are shut down.
Best Divorce Books for Women - Here is a collection of some great self-help divorce guides, books for divorcing parents and their children, understanding domestic abuse, and inspiration for healing and starting over after divorce.
Special Issues in Late-Life Divorce – More couples are divorcing after decades of marriage. Find out why it happens and the obstacles to watch out for.
Social Security and Divorce – Social security benefits are important, especially when approaching a divorce later in life. Find out if you qualify to receive benefits based on your husband’s earnings, how remarriage affects eligibility and more.
Alimony and Spousal Support – Alimony is a consideration for marriages that have lasted for many years. Learn more about how it is awarded.
Should You Keep the House? – The marital home is one of the biggest assets many spouses own. Find out the various options for splitting up the house in divorce.
Handling Financial Issues After Divorce –Financial clean-up tasks to take care of after your divorce is finalized.
Adult Children After Divorce - It seems like getting divorced after your kids have left home should be easier, but that isn’t always the case.
Remarriage and Prenuptial Agreements – If you are getting remarried (especially if your first marriage lasted a long time), here’s why you need a prenuptial agreement it to protect your assets.
Should I Get a Prenup? - Most people don’t think about getting a prenuptial agreement before getting married, but having one can protect your assets in case of divorce or death. Find out how.
Military Benefits When Splitting Up - how military benefits are affected while everything is pending.
Military No Contact Order - This is the equivalent of a restraining order in the military. Learn what the implications are if you have children and a no contact order is issued against you.
Family Care Plan Regulations - Military personnel with minor children are required to have a FCP for periods of deployment. If you are divorce, here are some things to consider...
Military Child Custody and Visitation - Complications due to deployments, jurisdictional issues, and more.
Disability Pay - How disability pay is handled when a military marriage ends.