Affiliate / Advertising Disclosure is a collaborative website written by a group of individuals. While the content on this website is produced without monetary compensation, this site does receive revenue through advertising, sponsorship, and other types of compensation.

Any compensation received has no influence on any information found on this website. In an effort to serve our visitors, we always give our honest opinions, results, views, or experiences. We also come across some great products, books, and services...and like to let you know about them! Some site sponsors pay a recurring fee for ad placement. For other sponsors, we receive a commission if you click on their text link or ad.

Our Google advertisements are clearly labeled. We do not necessarily endorse any services or products appearing in Google Advertisements. We have no control over the "Ads by Google" which are displayed on this site, but Google does try to serve ads relating to the content.

The articles on this site will sometimes contain contextual affiliate links. Compensation received from such links may affect the advertising content but only in relation to the priority of placement. Such affiliate links may not always be labeled as a sponsored link or content. will only accept non-Google sponsorships from sources providing high-quality products or services. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As an Amazon Associate, commissions are earned from qualifying purchases. 

Various companies may provide free products for us to review and also give away to our visitors through various contests. We do not receive compensation for these products or contests, and our reviews are based on our personal opinion and not influenced by the company in any way.

You should always verify any product or service claims with the actual provider or manufacturer.

Related Pages:

  1. Divorce
  2. Site Information
  3. Advertising Disclosure